Mobile Blogging

Life is a little hectic at the moment.

Lots going on , so I’m just blogging this post from my phone to see if it’s any easier to keep the blog up to date and get back to daily posting.

So , here’s what’s been going on this last month.

Loki is doing great with his training , it’s looking like he will pass the puppy foundation module within the next 4 weeks but practice is the key and that’s taking up my time at the moment. It will be worth the effort though.

I’ve had my blood test and happy to report the statins have helped to reduce my cholesterol from 5.7 down to 3.8 . I’ve a few more checks to be done regarding my blood thinners and a check on my diabetes reading but all seems OK for now.

My car had a air conditioning regass recently, that really helped to keep the car at a safe cool level for the doggo . It also recently had a oil and filter change and its going in next week for a fuel filter change DPF clean and engine carbon clean. I got a really great deal from spear cars based in Stafford. Really great service and very trustworthy guy.

That’s all for now but hoping I’ll be able to keep on top of the updates over the next few weeks and thanks for staying with Me.

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