A Busy Week Ahead !
Very busy this week.
I ordered a new tv at the weekend, my old one is showing signs it could fail soon so I’m having a new one before that happens.
This time I’ve gone for the 65″ rather than a 50″. Alexa enabled as well as Bluetooth and WiFi so all smart options will be available. That’s due for delivery Tuesday.
Also , full fibre broadband ( FTTP) will be installed at the premises on Thursday. This will entail a new fibre line being fitted from the pole direct to my house. A unit being fitted to the outside was and the fibre fed into the living room to a small fibre box ready to connect directly to my router.
speeds will be around 900 down and 110 up.
I’ll keep you updated 🙂
Quite a mixed bag this time around , nothing too serious though.
diabetic HBA1C blood test came back scoring 35 … that’s actually 3 points lower than last year and well below pre diabetic levels. Considering I’m now not on medication it’s a fantastic result and means I’m managing my diabetes without any assistance , just diet controlled.
The bad news is it appears I’m suffering depression and anxiety. The term the doctor used was called carer syndrome or carer burnout as it’s otherwise known. I’ve been on 2 types of medication for this for a few weeks and it seems to be settling the anxiety quite well so I’m happy to stay on them for a while.
All other tests came back within safe levels other than a serum ALT level that appears to be too high so that needs to be rechecked in a few months.
That escalated quickly !!!
My posts regarding FTTP this last week or so was so frequent, it showed the speed of how fast Openreach was deploying fibre in my area.
Further to this , I noticed the tracker and all ISP’s now confirm I can now order my fibre connection.
After looking for a decent provider and a good deal , I’ve decided to go with BT .
install planned for 21st September !
I’ll probably make a webpage feature page as well as include a post on my blog so watch this space 😀
Had a chat with the team doing the fibre rollout on my street again today.
It appears all is complete and just needs to be double checked and officially signed off .
Once its been signed off , it should be ready to order as soon as openreach update the checker.
Great guys , asked for a photo of the splitter and watched as some fibre was being spliced in.
fantastic work guys , I will hopefully be first in the queue to order 😀
As i mentioned earlier this week , it looks like work has begun on the fitment of the new pole to balance the load on the FTTP being installed on the street.
it would appear most of the work is almost complete so i expect Openreach will email soon to advise ordering can be made 🙂
Bathroom ceiling/roof extraction fan fitted.
Another project completed!
works great , auto senses so no more steamed up bathroom 🙂
FTTP Update !
Spoke to the guys doing the fibre installs today . they are now connecting cables to each pole to balance the fibre loadout. there is a new pole about to be installed within the next few days then its just splicing into the network. hopefully looking at a few weeks till live .
Free Gift
everyone loves a freebie .
Look what i won the other day . perfect for my android auto !!
Opticians Check Up
Due to being diabetic , my routine eye test is yearly rather than 2 yearly. The test though is free for diabetics so thats a bonus. Ive already had My yearly diabetic eye screening with the NHS and that came back clear.
Ive noticed my distance vision is slightly fuzzy , not enough to wear glaasses constantly , however anything that allows my eyes to focus without strain is always worth having.
Ive gone for my usual reading glasses but this time ive gone for some designer distance glasses … as well as the usual anti glare and scratch resistance , these are also transitions so will also act as sunglasses. being transitions, they will also work in the car to reduce glare without the cars windscreen affecting the view.
not cheap but a small price to pay for your eyesight.
Big thanks to Boots Opticians for looking after me as always !
The telegraph pole outside my property has been fitted with the node required to send fibre over to my premises.
( it’s the block on the right )
all that’s left is to wait til active then book an install.
it’s getting exciting ☺️
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